On Sep 16, 2010, at 4:14 AM, Özgür Önder KARAKILINÇ wrote:
I want to get electric field intensity profile along the waveguide axis
(for example each point in x direction )
How can I do?

in meep reference, (get-field-point c pt) function is used for single point.
I need field intensity-position graphs.
Maybe, I should write script to get intensity at every point along the axis.
But I have not full knowledge of programming.
Could you show me how to solve this problem?

Just use the in-volume command to restrict an HDF5 output to a line along the waveguide axis. e.g.

        (in-volume (volume (center 0 0 0) (size 10 0 0)) output-dpwr)

outputs epsilon*|E|^2 along a line of length 10 in the x direction, centered at (0,0,0). You can even wrap this in a (to-appended "line.h5" .......) command to output the intensity along the line as a function of time to a 2d HDF5 dataset (so you could easily plot intensity vs. time and space in a 2d color image, for example).


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