On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Özgür Önder KARAKILINÇ wrote:
     I have 160x160 matrix dataset
     I think, row number indicate x-axis direction, column number
indicate y-axis direction
Is it right?

Yes. (You could easily check this yourself just by making a non- square computational cell.)

Does the first cell indicate (x,y)=(0,0) point belong to structure or
the other coordinates points.

By default, (0,0) is in the middle of the cell. (You can change the origin if you want; see the Meep reference.)

Again, if you are not sure about something like this, it's easy to check yourself. e.g. make a cell with a single cylinder centered at (0,0) and look where the cylinder shows up when you plot epsilon.

2) The other question is meep coordinates.
I applied to meep tutorial 90º bend example. Structure graphs shows that y
–axis positive direction is toward to bottom of the structure
But when I apply example, I obtain different structure. Because, meep
takes y-axis positive direction toward to the top of the structures.
Which direction of positive y –axis is correct.

Older versions of h5topng plotted the y axis "upside down". Of course, it is just an arbitrary convention, but this tended to confuse people, so in h5utils 1.12 I flipped it so that the positive y direction is "up" in the image.

I haven't updated the Meep tutorial, though, so it still shows the image from the old h5topng.


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