Marell, M.J.H. <M.J.H.Marell@...> writes:

> Hi Waldemar,
> If you post your scheme file, we can have a look at it.
> Best regards,
> Milan

Here is my source code to get the normalization, the cavity enhancement is
computed without the semicolons in "set! geometry".

(define-param dpml 2)
(define-param distance 1)
(set-param! resolution 10)

(set! dimensions 3)
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size (+ 16 (* 2 dpml)) (+ 16 (* 2 dpml))
(+ 4 (* 2 dpml)))))

(set! symmetries 
                (make mirror-sym
                        (direction X)
                        (phase -1)) 

                (make mirror-sym
                        (direction Y)
                        (phase 1))))

(set! pml-layers 
                (make pml
                        (thickness dpml)

(define-param fcen 1.0) ; pulse center frequency                            
(define-param df 2.0)  ; pulse width (in frequency) 

;(set! geometry (list
;                       (make block (center 0 0 (* 1 distance)) (size 20 20 1) 
(make perfect-metal)))
;                       (make block (center 0 0 (* -1 distance)) (size 20 20 1) 
(material (make
;               )

(set! sources
                (make source
                        (component Ex)
                        (center 0 0 0)
                        (src (make gaussian-src
                                        (frequency fcen)
                                        (fwidth df)

(define trans ; transmitted flux                                                
        (add-flux fcen df 1000                
                    (make flux-region (center 0 0 0.001) (size 0.1 0.1 0))

 (stop-when-fields-decayed 1 Ex (vector3 0 0 0) 1e-11)

(display-fluxes trans)

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