Dear Meep community, 

I stumbled upon a strange effect while trying to use a plane wave source. 
I am examining a structure, that is infinitely homogenous in z-direction 
and infinitely periodic in  x-direction, say, like a line grid cross 
section. For this purpose, I implement one element of the structure in the 
x-y-plane and set a (vector3 0 0 0) k-point, while closing the cell in the 
y-direction with pml layers. To illuminate the device with plane waves 
from the top, I place a continuous line source above, with (size sx 0 0), 
where sx is the same variable used to define the cell size. Thus, I would 
expect the periodicity condition to generate even wavefronts all over the 
cell. In fact now, I see the fields spatially oscillating in the 
x-direction with the effect strongest where the line source meets the cell 
Obviously, there is a pixel of source missing, which creates a point 
source like behaviour at the cell edge and I can even fix this, by 
defining the source length a hint larger than the cell width, but why is 
this happening? Has somebody else seen this behaviour? How can I properly 
define my source without having to reset the source length by hand in 
every new setup? 
(because, if you add too much, of course, meep will complain that the 
source is actually larger than the cell, obviously you just need to fill 
that one extra pixel...)
Any ideas? Thanks in advance for every answer!

Sebastian Wolf
Diploma Student
Solar Cells - Development and Characterization
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
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