Hi, Jonathan,
writing a scheme script and running it as:

    meep script.ctl

is definitely the preferred way to run any but the simplest
simulation. The meep examples seem to not to be included in the debian
package, but they are enclosed with the meep source code, whose latest
version may be downloaded here: wget

There is also an option of using the python-meep interface, which
leads to slightly longer scripts, but provides you more convenient
access to python's elaborated mathematics/plotting/... packages.

I do not know about any preferred editor for meep, you may look on the
notes here: 

The 3D field/structure outputs are possible to convert using h5tovtk
and conveniently view in mayavi2.


2013/4/2, Jonathan Bush <twixtfana...@gmail.com>:
> My OS is Linux Mint Debian 64-bit. I have the meep package installed with
> aptitude. On the ab-inito Meep
> Introduction<http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep_Introduction>page,
> it says that "The user interface is introduced in the Meep
> Tutorial <http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Meep_Tutorial>." On that
> page, I see lots of explanation about the libctl/Scheme scripting
> interface, and what editors are preferred, which is all well and good. What
> I don't see, however, is a discussion of what I would call the user
> interface, by which I mean, what commands I can use when I see the
> meep>
> prompt. The man page for meep provides the command line syntax, which is
> certainly useful, and maybe this is all too obvious to mention, but I would
> like to know, for example, can I load a file from the prompt? How do I exit
> meep from this prompt? Basic stuff like that. And where are the example
> files located? The ring resonator, the band diagram, etc. Are they included
> in the meep package? I tried /usr/share/doc/meep but could not find answers
> to these basic questions.
> So, where did I forget to look? Thanks for your patience.

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