Dear Steven and Meep users,

The geometry for my case is a tapered cone (axis (1 0 0)). It is easy to
see from the PNG file whether or not the geometry resulting from (set!
symmetries (list (make ... is symmetric or not.

I have found that the geometry resulting from  
 (make mirror-sym (direction Y )) is symmetric, also
 (make rotate2-sym (direction X )) gives symmetric geometry but,
 (make rotate4-sym (direction X )) displays only half the cone.

The fields must be considered. When I run with default phase the Ez
field appears to be correct for mirror-sym, but it is not correct with
rotate2-sym . This is expected as the default phase is +1. When I set
the phase switch (phase -1) or even (phase 1) Guile throws an error, 

ERROR: Wrong type (expecting exact integer): #f

With the rotate4-sym setting it is impossible to tell whether or not the
fields are symmetric from only half the geometry. 

You may note that the one case that works is mirror-sym with the
direction Y, when the Geometric axis of symmetry is X.

If anyone wants to play with symmetry, feel free to use my SCHEME test
file, attached.


(define-param c 299792458.)                            ; Speed of light
(define-param meple 1.0e-2)                            ; Characteristic length 0.15943 .024
;             Signal parameters - SI units
(define-param freq  1880.4e+6)                          ; Frequency (1880.4MHz claimed)
(define-param waveling (/ c freq))                      ; Wavelength, ~0.159 m

; ------------------ Set the lattice and coordinate system

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 20 20 no-size) ))
(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))
(set! resolution 20)
(display "signal parameters")(newline)
;              Signal Parameters in Meep units
(define mple_c 1)                                        ; Speed of light = 1 in Meep 
(define mple_t (/ meple c))                              ; Time
(define-param mple_f (* freq mple_t))                    ; Source Frequency
(define-param mple_f (/ meple waveling))                 ; Source Frequency

(print "  frequency = ") (display freq) (newline) 
(print "  mple_f = ") (display  mple_f) (newline) 
(print "  mple_t = ") (display  mple_t) (newline) 
(print "  meple = ") (display meple) (newline)

(display "set geometry") (newline)

(set! geometry  (list                                     ; Start of Geometry
                                                          ; A tapered tin can. 
(make cone (center 0 0 0) (radius 5) 
(radius2 2) (height 8.5) (material metal) (axis 1 0 0) )
(make cone (center 0 0 0) (radius 4.97) 
(radius2 1.97) (height 8.497) (material air) (axis 1 0 0) )
(display "set source" ) (newline)
 (set! sources (list (make source                      ; ******Continuous source*******  
             (src (make continuous-src (frequency mple_f) (end-time 200)))
             (component Ez) (center 0 0 ) 
 (display "set symmetries") (newline)

(set! symmetries (list                                 ;  ******** Symmetry **********
;                                                                                    *
          (make rotate4-sym (direction X )) ; (phase -1)        ;defaults to +1      *
;           ERROR: Wrong type (expecting exact integer): #f

;                                                                                    *
                                                    )) ;             *****************            

 (display "Continuous 1, RUNing Continuous source") (newline)

(run-until 10                                         ; ******* RUN Continuous source ****
        (at-beginning output-epsilon)                
           (at-end output-efield-z))
(newline) (display "DONE") (newline)(newline)

; h5topng ./sym-eps-000000.00.h5 

; h5topng -S1 -Zc dkbluered -a yarg -A ./sym-eps-000000.00.h5 ./sym-ez-000010.00.h5

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