Dear Ratnesh,

Can you check outputs of your simulations when you were using two cores (-np 2)? Did meep-mpi run simulation for each time point twice?
Alternatively you can save outputs into a file and email them to me.

best wishes

On 02/12/14 08:18, Gupta, Ratnesh (GE Global Research, Consultant) wrote:


I’ve configured a cluster with meep-mpi. I am able to execute the code. But the code while run with ‘-np 1’ is completely run within 368 seconds where it took 410 seconds while run with ‘-np 2’. Similarly, the time keeps increasing for increasing number of processors which is not expected.

Also, I have a huge geometry which I want to simulate and is getting segmentation fault with single processor. I hoped to run it with multiple processor so that do decrease the probability of segmentation fault.

Please help.

Thanks and Regards,


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