Dear meep-community,

I want to use a tensor for the drude-lorentz polarizability factor
sigma. So, in principle I have a gold-circle in the center of my
quadratic 2D domain, but the instead of just putting a 1 on the diagonal
in the material_function::sigma_row, I also put a 0.3 on the
off-diagonal. Result: as soon as an incoming wave hits the sample,
fields in pixels on the metal-air interface near the area, where the
staircasing is strongest (i.e. the x=+-y straight) grow exponentially.
Has anyone ever experienced this before?

I put a minimum example on github:
the evil lines are 24 and 25. If you comment out those, everything works
like a charm.

A bit of background: The transformation optics things I posted here
before (use transformation optics for variable resolution) transform the
sigma in the same way the transform the epsilon. So, for non-diagonal
Jacobians, this results in non-digonal sigma. Now, everything works fine
for dielectric media, but if I start to transform metals, everything
blows up.

Thank you for your time in advance,


Felix Schwarz
Technische Universität Ilmenau
FG Theoretische Physik I

Tel: +49 3677 69 3644

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