
Is there any interest in a community repository, where users can post scripts 
that work for them, helper functions, strategies, specific photonics problem 
objectives and solutions, Jupyter notebooks, and even scripts from users that 
have published work using MEEP. This could augment the tutorials in the docs 
and [simpetus](

The docs are really great, but as user projects get more complicated its 
unreasonable to expect the doc tutorials to touch on everything. In particular, 
I've found there is a gap in moving from 2D to 3D simulations and the specific 
nuances involved. A repository of user examples might avoid some 

There is this mail list, but it seems it is oriented towards specific problem 
solving rather than sharing. Still, a lot of emails go unanswered, perhaps 
users just aren't knowledgeable enough or large enough in numbers. Also, the 
internet has moved on to better formats (wikis, forums, stackexchange). There 
is also the Github issue system, yet that was intended to facilitate code 
bugs/issues so that the devs can more effectively prioritize those. A 
stackexchange+wiki seems like it would be amazing, yet there is a barrier to 
starting one; there are open source 

Has this been considered? What reasons would there be against this? The main 
con I can see is "who would maintain such a repository?". The devs likely have 
enough on their hands. Thanks.

-Colton Bukowsky
meep-discuss mailing list

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