Does the D_conductivity get ignored when it appears in the Medium(...)
in a material_fct?

The h5topng output looks *as if**the material was just transparent*
(reflection and transmission) with only an epsilon=10 and no
D_conductivity, whereas if I use just a normal Block geometry with the
same mp.Medium (and leave away the material_fct), almost no field enters
into the material.

My material and material_fct look as follows:

material = mp.Medium(epsilon=10, D_conductivity=37)
def material_fct(p):
    h_threshold = 2
    if (p.z<=h_threshold):
        return material
    return mp.air
geometry = [mp.Block(mp.Vector3(1e20,1e20, 2),
center=mp.Vector3(0,0,geom_center_point), material=material_fct)]

_versus leaving away the material_fct and using the material only:_

geometry = [mp.Block(mp.Vector3(1e20,1e20, 2),
center=mp.Vector3(0,0,geom_center_point), material=material)]

Is this a bug, my mistake, or is this behaviour expected to be this way?

Best regards,

On 21.05.19 17:28, Hannes Kohlmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I am implementing a terrain model with some conducting ground (soil) by
> means of a material_function, which is an interpolation function of
> values (height over distance) that I load from a .csv file (this is
> similar to the ring_resonator example function in the tutorials), with a
> curvature of the material_function being in the range of the resolution
> (250).
> I set the material as mp.Medium(epsilon=10, D_conductivity=37), where
> D_conductivity should correspond to an E-conductivity of σ = 0.001 S/m
> in my simulation.
> This material gets returned by the material_fct and the corresponding
> geometry is a block: mp.Block(mp.Vector3(1e20,1e20,ground_thickness),
> center=mp.Vector3(0,0,geom_center_point), material=material_fct)
> My simulation is cylindrical and the resolution is 250, simulation cell
> being 120x14 (yes this takes long :-)
> When I perform the simulation, the fields bounce around quite a lot the
> farther away I read out the field (from distance >10 on), which appears
> to be too extreme to me (almost unstable, but not fully, just large
> amplitude swings). Strange thing is, that when I simulate the same
> terrain with a mp.perfect_electric_conductor instead, the fields behave
> normally.
> What could be the reason?
> 1) Is the curvature of my terrain maybe too strong for the higher
> frequency components of the transient pulse to be still stable (in other
> words, is my resolution still too coarse for the small wavelength
> components)?
> 2) If I activate the subpixel averaging by material_fct.do_averaging =
> True, it doesn't get better. Maybe because σ is not smoothed (as
> mentioned in the docs) and contributes to the artifacts more than the
> epsilon?
> Thank you for any help!
> Best,
> Hannes
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