Hi all!

Do come and join us for the next meetup of the Melbourne Python user group
on Monday evening. We've got two great talks planned:

*1. Damien George, Nick Moore, Matt Trentini: A Taste of MicroPython* (~30

Python can be used for a vast range of tasks like web development, data
science and machine learning. With MicroPython, embedded development can
now be added to the domains in which Python excels.

Come along and listen to the creator of MicroPython - and two converts! -
explain why the language was created and how it manages to run on
resource-constrained microcontrollers. Demonstrations will showcase
effective applications for the language and explain why MicroPython is
compelling in the embedded space.

Note: There will be time, during or after pizza, to ask questions and
tinker with some hardware. Bring a laptop if you'd like to play with a

*2. Rory Hart: The future of Python dependency management* (~25 minutes)

Pipenv is now the recommended tool for application dependency management.
Rory will talk through what problems Pipenv solves and introduce its usage
through a live demonstration.

*3. Lightning talks?*

*4. Announcements and pizza*

*When:* 5.45pm for mingling; talks from 6pm to ~7.15pm, pizza afterwards

*Where: *Outcome-Hub Co-Working Space, Suite 1, 121 Cardigan Street, Carlton

*How to get there: *Walk 12 minutes north from Melbourne Central station.

*Sponsorship:* many thanks to Outcome Hub for providing the venue and
Python Charmers
for ongoing sponsorship.

*RSVP:* Please respond on Meetup.com so we can track numbers: https://www.

We hope to see you there! :-D

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers
melbourne-pug mailing list

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