I apologize to the general membership..... I was not complaining about the new office
and I don't believe my comments were "offensive" to anyone, again my apologizes to
those of you that took it out of context. 
We need to have a reliable and professional organization doing our registrations, the
CLRC is that organization.  Again there was no comment made against the new system.
I believe my statement was a simple one, "please check to make sure your information
was correct."   I was only trying to help the members make sure they had the ability
to vote at the next annual meeting.  Dredging up the past and making any statements
about it and others, is not professional. 
I guess my work for the past 19 years doesn't speak for my integrity.  I thought my 
words and actions were and have been for the betterment of the AGBA . I thought that
the AGBA web-site was one to help get the word and information out to the membership? 
It seems that our thoughts and opinions need to be censored first.  I did not now, nor
have I in the past, ever said anything to hurt or offend anyone personally on this web-site.
I think we all expect the same courtesy. 
Again, thank you for listening and taking what I have said with the intent that it was
meant.  If any of you have anything to say to me, please write to me at the e-mail address
listed below and we can keep any further comments off the site.  I do write letters to my
congressman and/or for whatever reason, when I have a passion for something. 
Sorry and apologies,
Zoe Siperly
Kalli-Mon Galloways

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