Galloway Members: 

This message was sent to Senator Burns office in MT. Please think about sending 
this or a similar copy to each of your senators offices to encourage financial 
support for this research. 

Mark Stayton I believe suggested that each of us contact our Representatives in 
an e-mail that you may have received a short time back; Perhaps again in the 
article in the Galloway Dispatch. 

Look forward to seeing you at the NILE,

Deb Vance

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Brisket Disease Research
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:30:53 -0800

Debra Vance
DD Ranch Galloways
12535 CR 23
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Fax (970)785-6041

--- Begin Message ---

Patricia Pruitt had asked me to contact you regarding the Research on Brisket 
Disease in Cattle. The American Galloway Breeders Association as of Monday Oct. 
9th finalized details for a "Galloway Breed Study." I felt that it was 
necessary to wait for their approval before contacting your office. 

Brisket Disease is a major killer of calves and cattle here in the Rocky 
Mountain West. Altitude of little more than 7000 ft is necessary to precipitate 
Brisket Disease; although it can be seen in altitudes as low as 5000 ft. It is 
estimated that 1 in 20 calves are lost each year. That is a huge number of 
cattle here in the western United States and a huge loss of revenue to our 

There are 2 people at 2 universities working very diligently to reduce losses 
of cattle to Brisket Disease. They are Mark Stayton at the University of WY and 
Dr. Tim Holt at Colorado State University. They have been working on Brisket 
Disease Research for several years now. 

There are 2 different types of work being done. Dr. Tim Holt is doing Pulmonary 
Artery Pressure Testing (PAP Testing) to help determine which cattle will 
preform better / be more resistant to Brisket Disease. Dr. Holt's testing has 
helped may cattlemen decide which cattle to send to altitude, select bulls for 
herds at altitude and who to cull. This is the best testing available and the 
science of today. 

Mark Stayton's research is at the genetic level. He is pursuing DNA markers to 
isolate who will develope the disease. His long term goal is to identify 
genetic markers, who carries the genes with the potential for Brisket Disease 
and to be able to select Sires to "breed it out" of a given herd. 

Both of these men share research and work in concert in the fight against 
Brisket Disease in our Rocky Mountain cattle herds. This work will eventually 
have a significant impact on a Ranchers bottom line by reducing losses.   

Where the AGBA (American Galloway Breeders Association) fits in:  The Galloway 
breed has had a long anectdotal history of being very reisistant to Brisket 
Disease. Todays cattle men base their decisions on Science. Our organization 
has authorized a Study of Galloway Cattle with Dr. Tim Holt. We are gathering 
Registerd Galloway Cattle to be PAP tested by Dr. Holt. We hope to prove a long 
held claim of being Very Resistant to Brisket Disease. If we can substantiate 
our anectdotal history it will have an impact on the sale of Registered 
Galloway cattle in the Rocky Mountain West. As these gentlemen work to solve 
the whole Brisket Disease problem, we hope to be rediscovered as a breed of 
choice against the problem. 

Much more research is necessary if we are to win the fight against Brisket 
Disease and have more live calves to deliver on sale day. Since this problem 
exists here in the Rocky Mountain West, it is not well known in the rest of the 
US. We are all interested in finding more funding for Brisket Disease Research. 
The department of the USDA and other organizations need to be more aware of the 
numbers of Ranchers and cattle here that need their help.  

Please advise me / us on where we can proceed from here. If your office can 
help us bring this problem and the need to fund this important research to the 
USDA and others we would all be very greatful. 

In closing I would like to state that I am the Chairperson for the AGBA 
Galloway Study and do not formally or otherwise represent the University of WY 
or CSU. I would be happy to forward you their personal contact information at 
your request. 

Yours truly,

Debra Vance
DD Ranch Galloways
12535 CR 23
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Fax (970)785-6041
Cell (970)405-5784

--- End Message ---

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