Galloway Friends:
Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.  Soon we
will  begin to see, as our forebears did, that Winter is not an endless
slide into darkness.  The prospects for long, sunny, days are now in our
future.  It is time to celebrate the festivals of lights.  In my case,
that is Christmas.
Whether you plan to bottle and sell some of the brief daylight tomorrow,
or just ignore it, I wish you all a warm Christmas and a bright, golden
path through the New Year.
In this time of hope for golden days of happiness, we all express our
most profound sympathy to Becky Galloway on the unexpected death Monday
of her husband, Duane.  A man of comforting familiarity, Duane was an
Association director, a voice of contemplation and friend to us all.  He
had applied his fine intellect to the assembly of a fine Galloway herd
in Missouri.  Please express yourselves directly to Becky, as she
probably will be unable to monitor postings to the Association members
email list.
Becky's mailing address is:

        Togs Farm
        383 Safari Lane
        Strafford, Missouri 65757

Merry Christmas and inner peace to all those who have grief on their
minds this season.

Steve Castner



American Galloway Breeders Association <blocked::>  


8707 Kaehler's Mill Road

Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012

Voice:            262-375-1702

Fax:               262-377-5002

Email:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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