I beleive it was all random. But I'll run it again couple of times collect
my logs and will send you a copy of those. In my logs I am printing both
keys and values for both success and failure cases.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 3:04 AM, Henrik Schröder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Vipin,
> The thing that happens is that the memcached server returns either ERROR,
> SERVER_ERROR or CLIENT_ERROR, but I forgot to print out that message in the
> default logger, so I don't know exactly what happens in your case.
> I've uploaded a new version to
> http://code.google.com/p/beitmemcached/downloads/list where it will
> actually print out the error it gets from the memcached server while using
> the default logger.
> The reason you're seeing this error is because there is something in either
> your key or your value that causes the entire request to become invalid, and
> the client doesn't warn you about this like it should. Do you think you can
> isolate the error and reproduce it, either by finding a key that always
> gives this error, or a value that always gives this error? And if so, can
> you send me that example so I can reproduce the error on my end?
> Or is the error completely random, such that a specific key and value is
> sometimes stored ok, and sometimes not?
> /Henrik Schröder
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Vipin Kalra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hey Henrik,
>> Now I upgraded to version 1.2.6 and getting these error intermitently
>> while while setting the data:-
>> ERROR BeIT.MemCached.ServerPool - Error in Execute<T>: localhost
>>    at BeIT.MemCached.PooledSocket.ReadResponse() in
>> C:\downloads\Memcached\BeITMemcached_source_2008_09_01\ClientLibrary\PooledSocket.cs:line
>> 149
>>    at
>> BeIT.MemCached.MemcachedClient.<>c__DisplayClass1.<store>b__0(PooledSocket
>> socket) in
>> C:\downloads\Memcached\BeITMemcached_source_2008_09_01\ClientLibrary\MemcachedClient.cs:line
>> 381
>>    at BeIT.MemCached.ServerPool.Execute[T](SocketPool pool, T
>> defaultValue, UseSocket`1 use) in
>> C:\downloads\Memcached\BeITMemcached_source_2008_09_01\ClientLibrary\ServerPool.cs:line
>> 136
>> My key size is still less than 10K.
>> Any idea??

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