On Mar 25, 10:07 am, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you put this in the server, don't you set up conditions for:
> A) all clients trigger the wait and thus deadlock
> and/or
> B) some number of clients run the server out of resources

  Well, if it's just a lock server, then it'd need to have enough
resources to maintain all of the locks that need to be active.  There
are several lock servers out there (including a recipe for using
beanstalkd as a lock server since it's closer to having the necessary
facilities than memcached).

  It'd take a lot of twisting to get memcached to act like a good lock

  It'd take a lot to get memcached to act like a good queue server as

  It's a pretty good cache, though.  I say we just use it for that.  :)

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