
For my own sake I was planning to be at the booth the vast majority of the 
time, and informally ducking out to sessions if other folks were watching the 
booth too.

If anyone wishes to be more formal about times they will be around and not I 
will happily keep track of things.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 04:36:03PM -0700, Matt Ingenthron wrote:
> hachi wrote:
>> Hi Jruiz,
>> I'll be at the booth for the entire time next week.
>> I had been planning this via dormando (who sent a message similar to
>> yours on the list a short while ago), and I have some supplies for the
>> booth already.
> I manned the booth for a bit last year, and I'd be glad to this year as  
> well.  Should we get more formal about it and schedule things so you can  
> step away for a session/break or two?  Or is it better to just keep it  
> informal?
> - Matt
>> See you there :)
>> --hachi
>> On Apr 16, 12:35 pm, Jruiz <> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Would love to see more volunteers for the memcached booth at the
>>> dotorg pavilion at the MySQL conference next week.  If you are
>>> contributing to memcached and would like to answer questions, please
>>> show up at booth TT9 on Tuesday and/or Wednesday (21st and 22nd)
>>> between 9AM and 5PM.
>>> If you volunteer, please post back relevant comments/feedback/
>>> questions/learnings that you hear to this group.
>>> Saludos
>>> Joaquin
"She smiled again, shrugged her shoulders, and became a perfect mirror."

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