the article is very good, incisive and convincing -- in summary, it requires
that you treat sessions as any other data -- stored in the DB, and cached in
m/cache, blah blah blah

i suppose i'll have to implemnt it first before i can come up with better
questions -- for the time being though, many thanks Dustin.........


2009/10/18 Dustin <>

> On Oct 17, 4:22 pm, moses wejuli <> wrote:
> > Thanks Dustin.
> >
> > I guess what i'm really askin is: would you recommend using memcached for
> > session management in PHP.. the PHP extension for memcache has got a
> > facility for manging sessions. This behaviour (using memcache for session
> > mgmt) can be turned on in the PHP ini file.
> >
> > I know/believe C is your primary language of expression but if you are at
> > all familiar with PHP, please let me know your thoughts. Sessions are
> pretty
> > non-trivial in PHP. I would presume in case of a cache miss, PHP would
> look
> > to the default session store: the filesystem!
> >
> > Really looking for someone particularly adept with this topic to shed
> some
> > much needed light on this...
>   This isn't a language issue.  It's about deciding how you want your
> application to behave.
>  The article describes a lot of the trade offs.  Was there a specific
> part you disagreed with?
>  I would, in particular, *not* recommend filesystem based storage
> unless it's well-abstracted and you've only got one web server.  In
> general, I like to pretend like filesystems don't exist when writing
> application code.

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