
I am using
memcached server version 1.4.4 on Linux and
spy memcached client version 2.4.2

I performed a test by storing and retrieving objects of size 1.8MB and
3.6MB. I am able to retrieve the objects successfully without any
error. My load tests show some timeout exceptions when memcached
server is under heavy load, which is expected.

Memcached wiki website states that one of the reasons we should not be
using memcached is if the object size exceeds 1MB. I want to know if
this is a hard limit, or just that memcached is not efficient in that
scenario due to the storage model.

The reason for my question is that I have just one object(which is a
list) which might exceed 1MB in future, but currently, it is not
exceeding the limit. I considered storing it in several chunks and
using bulkGet() to retrieve the multiple small objects. The response
times are not efficient in case of bulkGet(). I should not be using
memcached for this object( and should look into other caching
mechanisms) but dont want to change the implementation till next
release. Please suggest.


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