sorry they should be private mails

2011/4/5 dormando <>:
> (First; Roberto I swear if you do that thing where you spam three e-mails
> in a row one more time I'm blocking you from the list. To be honest I do
> that to occasionally, but I limit myself to two responses and I try a lot
> harder to be useful.)
> Mohit; Sorry for the confusion here. I hope you can see what happened and
> that it was without malice:
> - User comes in with a vague request (I didn't even understand what "httpd
> to cache" meant until just now)
> - People who have solved this problem themselves answer with what works. I
> can vouch for these people that there's a reason why they give these
> answers. What you're suggesting isn't something you can innovate around,
> it's something you can either hack or fail at.
> If you're willing I'd like to try one more time with a bit less vagueness,
> so I've picked up your message here:
>> Currently there is no memcache. I was thinking of using memcache to do
>> store user session per site info and redirect if user came to wrong
>> site, but memcached seems to be not meant to be master/master or
>> master/slave either. Generally industry practice is such use cases is
>> to use cookies but we can't even use that because most of our apps are
>> non-browser based app. Flow is something like this for eg:
>> desktop client -> service X  -> our service in either data center.
>> So essentially client calls the server which then calls us.
> I'm going to take some shots in the dark, but it would be useful to have
> even more information about the behavior of this cilent, so:
> You say that you want to prevent a client from hitting the wrong DC once
> they're supposed to be "sticky". Are you saying that the desktop client
> has to guess every single time it needs to make a request? ie; request
> goes to random DC, then *redirects* to the correct one if it guessed
> wrong?
> Is there any sense of keepalive? ie; if one request succeeds, is the
> connection held open for further requests? Or do you have to do this
> discovery every single time?
> Your description of non-browser-based thing is fuzzy as well. How much
> control do you have over the service calling you? Cookies do in fact work
> anywhere you bother to parse them, they're not particular to browsers :P
> So correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you're running a service
> where "some client" makes a single HTTP request to you, but will honor
> HTTP redirects, and you have zero ability to change the way this guy makes
> requests? Or can you actually add some control here?
> So some shots in the dark:
> 1) You might even be able to do this with redirects and no client smarts.
> The workflow would be something like:
> - Client sends WRITE req to
> - RR DNS sends them to
> - has no record of talking to the client before. It creates a
> local session and stores a note about seeing this recent request, then it
> redirects to the other DC (
> - does the same, and redirects back again (since it hasn't
> seen this client before). It also notes that the original request had been
> redirected once, so in the future it should bounce all requests back to
> - gets the request again, has a session which says it's seen
> it before, and that this DC was the originator of the request, so then
> serves back the request.
> - Client sends second WRITE req in
> - RR DNS sends them to
> - has a note about that client, knows it's not the master, and
> redirects back to, who then serves the request.
> * This *requires* a method of uniquely identifying the remote client
> * This works best with RR dns. If you want to make a decision about
> whether or not to handle the incoming client, the exchange gets trickier..
> If a DC has received a request it hasn't seen before, but doesn't want to
> handle it, it has to redirect to a special url telling the other side to
> become master and handle the request.
> * This *requires* that if one DC has never seen a client before, both
> *must* see the request before *either* serves it.
> * It's also a huge hack, and the extra redirects will cause annoying lag.
> 2) Use GeoDNS.
> I'm not sure why you said you couldn't. Something something 70% of users
> in one area, 30% in another? I always thought it'd be a cute trick to mess
> with a GeoIP database a bit. If 50% of my users are in california but my
> servers are in texas and chicago, I can just hack the GeoIP database to
> redistribute what areas get what responses (norcal to chicago, socal to
> texas). So far as I know nothing stops you from dicking with the data.
> Some users will get worse latency, but if you wanted to serve all the
> users without extra latency I'd *hopefully* assume your business has taken
> this into account before deciding it's better to split traffic 50/50 and
> doubling your chances of catastrophic downtime.
> 3) Add a teeny tiny bit of app smarts. When they send a write, read back
> the cookie and use it :P But given my assumption about your client above,
> I'm guessing this isn't possible. If business has some shitty reason for
> not doing it, I would push harder unless you have a good way to dodge when
> the hack put in place ultimately fails.
> 4) Assuming that the client hits a *random datacenter* *every single
> time*, ALL OTHER OPTIONS, which use asynchronous replication, will have a
> race condition failure. If you want to implement this, you *must* have the
> source datacenter block the client's response until it has written the
> session note to the remote datacenter. Perhaps you only need to do this
> once per hour.
> 5) None of this will work if the client can make multiple requests at a
> time, or if your service makes decisions based on *any* data that isn't
> uniquely paired to that original client (like a feed list or twitter
> timeline)
> 6) I can think of more variations of #1 while using backhauls, but tbh
> they're all super gross.
> n' stuff.
> -Dormando

Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial

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