On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, Mohit Anchlia wrote:

> Thanks! These points are on my list but none of them are useful. The
> reason is I think I mentioned before that most of these servers that
> are sending requests to us are hosted inside the co. but by different
> group. So geoReplication will not work in this case since 70% of
> request comes from one region, infact same data center.
> Point# 1 mentioned by you is the best option but I am having some
> challanges there. Problem like I mentioned is that User A -> connects
> to one of the servers in the pool and that server sends -> http to our
> server. Now user A can sign out and connect to other server in the
> pool and then we get the request. Only way we can solve this is by
> changing the server code, this would be best. However, we are having
> hard time and I am trying to see if there are other solutions like say
> a nosql distributed db that keeps track of user session.

I could write that redirector as an apache plugin, or perlbal plugin, or
varnish plugin. Which seems like the only place you have access to.

You reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally suuuuure geodns won't work? Even though your
servers are 70% from one datacenter and 30% from another, are they all
coming from the same exact IP address? You *could* use by-ip granularity
for the load balancing, which I was sort of hinting at there.

NoSQL isn't magic problem solving, you still have that race condition
unless your app only makes one request every hour, or you replicate

Anyway that's the last I'll say on this, I just wanted to be clear :P It
sorta seems like you just want something prebuilt.

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