Running memcached as a daemon process.
memcached -d

import memcache
from pymongo import Connection
import time

memc = memcache.Client([''])

f = open('testtweets.txt', 'r')

m2 = Connection('', 27017)
m = m2.sample_db
i = 0

firs = time.time()

for t in f.readlines():
sec = time.time()

print (sec-firs)
f = open('testtweets.txt', 'r')

thir = time.time()
for t in f.readlines():
    memc.set('tweet' + str(i), t)

fou = time.time()
print (fou-thir)
tot = i


fif = time.time()
for r in xrange(0,tot):
    re = m.tweets3.find().skip(r).limit(1)
    #print str(i)

si = time.time()
print (si-fif)
for i in xrange(0,tot):
    a.append(memc.get('tweet' + str(i)))

sev = time.time()
print (sev-si)

print 'storing in db ' ,(sec-firs), ' for ', tot, ' tweets'
print 'storing in memcached ', (fou-thir)
print 'reading from db ', (si-fif)
print 'reading from memcached ', (sev - si)

On Aug 18, 12:04 pm, Neeraj Agarwal <> wrote:
> 85 seconds was because of the network latency (was using EC2 with my
> computer. pinging time was 350 ms itself..)
> Perhaps for x many number of items, it was taking x*350 ms time for
> making calls.. while mongo, it was sending all data at one go.
> So I ran the script on the server itself:
> storing in db  0.108298063278  for  1487  items
> storing in memcached  0.208426952362
> reading from db  0.0738799571991
> reading from memcached  0.145488023758
> what am I doing wrong here?
> Thanks
> Neeraj
> On Aug 17, 11:00 pm, Neeraj Agarwal <> wrote:
> > Yep, I'm printing back the results. Even if the case with MongoDB is
> > that it doens't verify, while reading it back, it exists..
> > I have installed both memcached & mongodb on the same machine (ubuntu
> > 9.10)on the network.
> > And connecting to it with another machine.
> > On Aug 17, 10:56 pm, Matt Ingenthron <> wrote:
> > > On 8/17/11 8:44 AM, Neeraj Agarwal wrote:
> > > > I installed memcached on Ubuntu box. Installed MongoDB too on the same
> > > > machine to compare the performance for these two.
> > > By default, mongodb doesn't check for responses at all.  It just sends
> > > requests over.  That *could* be playing a role here.
> > > The "reading from" makes less sense though if there.  Are you verifying
> > > that you read it back?
> > > Something seems broken for sure with 220 records in 85 seconds.
> > > > Storing in MongoDB  0.0940001010895  for  220  records
> > > > Storing in memcached  83.2030000687
> > > > Reading from MongoDB  0.0309998989105
> > > > Reading from memcached  85.3599998951
> > > > All time in seconds.
> > > > I'm 
> > > > usingpythonlibray

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