storing in db  2.22120189667  for  24438  tweets
storing in memcached  1.91712522507
reading from db  7.59235692024 (multi-get)
reading from memcached  1.85763192177 (single get)

With libmemcached :)

much improvement :D

On Aug 18, 12:31 pm, dormando <> wrote:
> You should go read the manuals.
> Look for "multiget" or mget or get_multi or whatever functions. I don't
> know what the equivalent set routines would look like for pylibmemc
> offhand. It should be in the documentation.
> If not, and someone knows, they should pipe up :)
> -Dormando
> On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, Neeraj Agarwal wrote:
> > I have pasted my code above.
> > I tried my program again by writing back the results in a file.
> > perhaps mongo just pushes the request and returns so it wasn't taking
> > much time while memcached is a blocking call.
> > storing in db  1.26978802681  for  11437  tweets
> > storing in memcached  1.5911450386
> > reading from db  41.3619318008                           (was reading
> > one record at a time from db and writing it to the file)
> > reading from memcached  1.78016901016            (similarly with
> > memcached)
> > mongodb still winning in terms of writing..
> > Does libmemcached groups multiple get/ set calls? Or are they even
> > blocking calls?
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Neeraj
> > On Aug 18, 12:08�pm, dormando <> wrote:
> > > > 85 seconds was because of the network latency (was using EC2 with my
> > > > computer. pinging time was 350 ms itself..)
> > > > Perhaps for x many number of items, it was taking x*350 ms time for
> > > > making calls.. while mongo, it was sending all data at one go.
> > > > So I ran the script on the server itself:
> > > > storing in db �0.108298063278 �for �1487 �items
> > > > storing in memcached �0.208426952362
> > > > reading from db �0.0738799571991
> > > > reading from memcached �0.145488023758
> > > > what am I doing wrong here?
> > > Can you attach your benchmark program?
> > > You should be using multiget to fetch back items quicker. Try using
> > > pylibmc, which is based off of libmemcached. That may be able to do
> > > multisets and get you better speed. The other library is pure python, I
> > > think. Would be slower than a native DB driver.
> > > -Dormando

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