
I really hate to do this, but you're really off topic. You've been
selectively accepting advice from the mailing list for weeks now, and
making thread after thread.

You have only vaguely stated your project requirements.

You have ignored the want (or need) to actually properly test your own

You seem insistant on bending memcached into your requirements.

You've said:

1) I want two servers to scale memcached.

2) I need two servers for redundancy.

You don't need two servers to scale memcached. I've tried to explain this
before. Memcached is going to be faster than your application.

If losing a memcached instance causes data loss, DO NOT USE IT. I cannot
emphasize this enough. There are reasons upon reasons why memcached does
not work the way you want it to, and you seem to be slowly finding out all
of these cases for yourself.

Please stop wasting our time. If you continue to ignore the community's
help, I'm just going to have to block you from the mailing list. We've
given you a lot of solid advice and I'm afraid you're going to discourage
people by asking more questions. If you have questions along the lines of
what people are saying to you, please address them directly instead of
ignoring them and asking more off-topic questions.

Thanks, and my apologies,

On Sat, 27 Oct 2012, Kiran Kumar wrote:

> Hi , 
> I have Two  Memcache Servers set up for my Application as shown below 
> String location = "";
> MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new 
> XMemcachedClientBuilder(AddrUtil.getAddresses(location));
> During the Memcache clinet operation ,  Key can be stored in any one of the 
> Sever Mentioned above .
> When i observed the logs , the Setup is showing two Memcache Servers 
> recognized  , i verified with the below code .
> Collection<InetSocketAddress> addressList = 
> MemcachedClient.getAvaliableServers();
> for (InetSocketAddress address : addressList) {
> logger.error("THE address is"+address)
> }
> THE address is
> THE address is
> My question is , once i knew the Server IP and port , is Is it possible get 
> the Key based on the Server ??
> Means something like this i need 
> MemcachedClinet.getKey("MyKEY") // from server 1 
> MemcachedClinet.getKey("MyKEY") // from server 2 
> Please let me know if this is possible ??

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