Kiran Kumar <> writes:

> Thank you very much , i am in a situation where i am using two
> Memcache servers (A and B) , where  B is a new one and A is exisitng
> one on which some other processes were also running .
> And that is the reason i was allocating only 2gb memory to the
> existing one . 
> So my question is i want to take the new server (Server B in my case )
>  as the first preference . 

  That's not a question.  A question looks like this:

  "Should I roll out each new memcached server with a different memory
size and spend time calculating server weights for my memcached client
so it will send a little bit more data to the larger nodes and a little
bit less data to the smaller nodes?"

  An answer looks like this:


  Rather than restating your situation, which I understood before
answering the first time, you could state what you didn't understand
about my initial response and ask for more details there.

  You seem like the kind of guy who wants to make things as complicated
as your imagination will allow while still having things appear to work
under the best testing conditions.  The memcached community tends to be
comprised of people who putt their effort towards simplifying things
until they work in the worst production situations.  Questions regarding
how to complicate things further will likely result in answers that will
favor reliability over unnecessary complication.


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