Using memcached 1.4.15
Over the past few months I've been having a few issue with memcached, 
notably the issue here:
However, another, maybe related issue, is that once every few days, clients 
(websites running PHP) cannot connect to the localhost memcached instance.
I'm running with a connection limit of 4096:
memcached -d -p 11211 -m 1024 -c 4096 -P /var/run/memcached/ 
-l -k
When the error started happening today, I looked at the log and see several 
"Too many open connections" lines.  Here's the first one:
>4094 Writing bin response:
<4094 connection closed.
Too many open connections
Connection #4094 is right around my 4096 connection limit...
Looking at netstat and lsof, I see around 4000 connections -- most of them 
are in CLOSE_WAIT.
memcached 477 root 1366u  IPv4          622713568        0t0       TCP 
localhost:memcache->localhost:43324 (CLOSE_WAIT)
memcached 477 root 1367u  IPv4          622713571        0t0       TCP 
localhost:memcache->localhost:43325 (CLOSE_WAIT)
tcp       39      0 localhost:memcache          localhost:45768             
tcp       25      0 localhost:memcache          localhost:42766             
The rest of the connections are in FIN_WAIT1, ESTABLISHED, etc, but the 
vast majority are the ~4,000 CLOSE_WAIT connections.
I'm going to try bumping up the connection limit to 32k to avoid this for 
now, but clearly there's something going on where memcached isn't closing 
How can I debug this further?


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