I live in New York.  The inspection is a piece of cake... It is only $10 I 
think for a diesel.  Most places barely check the car, some dont even check if 
the lights works, usually takes me like 10 minutes to get the thing done.  Dont 
be a sucker and go to a place that they say leave the car and we'll call you 
when its ready!  I only go to places that do the inspection right away.  -Dan  
ps - maybe if the car looks like it is ready to crack in two due to rust they 
will check it over.  

In a message dated 6/20/2005 10:08:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Mac,
> NYS inspection is relatively thorough. The brakes, suspension, chassis (for
> terminal rust), and lights are reviewed at a minimum. Emissions are tested
> based on the county of residence. However my experience with NYS
> inspections is out of date by 10 years. However, I would not consider a car
> solely based on its passing NYS inspection.
> Mathieu Cama
> At 02:33 PM 6/20/2005, you wrote:

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