That is unfortunate. Does anyone have a story on this, that is reasonably
factual? Or is it best just left like a sleeping dog?

Kaleb, the quick and dirty answer to your query on the articles is that none
of the material **created by others** was legally copyright unless
paid the writer for it, even a token payment ($1) makes it legal. Richard
would have copyright on his own material or other material that was
unsigned, however, unless of course someone steps forward to prove they
authored it and did not relinquish copyright.



> Well the word from Rusty is that may never be back.  So this
> little list may in fact be the replacment after all.  I have not done
> anything about a website because I didnt want to step on toes or
> anything regarding  If it never does come back up, then I (we)
> need to look into getting a website up.  I really do not know much about
> that but could learn I suppose.  We might need to see if anybody here
> wants to partner up with me and handle setting up/maintaining a website.
> Once I know for sure what is going on I can get the space set up for
> it and then get a site designed.  As for the articles and stuff, not
> sure what all on the old site might be copyrighted or how that would
> work, but most if it came from list members in the first place.  We will
> probably need to try and rebuild that stuff if possible.  Anyways, just
> stay tuned, will see how it plays out.

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