Okay-cannot seem to get a condensor for now. Cannot seem to access any of the connectors to the ignition module under the battery tray for now.

I went out and looked, and yes, to whomever asked, there are two small black boxes and two small vacuum diaphragm style modules on the passenger inner fender. Underneath these were two small vacuum hoses that were going to nothing. One of the vacuum modules had a vacuum hose connected, while the other had an open port on its top, and two open ones underneath.

Before doing anything, I hooked up a CLEAN fuel supply, and tried to start it-no go on its own. I gave it a spritz of starting fluid and it roared to life, and sounded pretty good for about 10 seconds, then began to dwindle and died after it struggled to stay alive under my feathering of the accelerator pedal for about five more seconds. I tried to start it again-no go, tried to open the choke setting slightly-had it almost completely closed. No start. Tried it like this with starter fluid. No start. Attached the two vacuum lines. No start. Tried this set up with starter fluid. No start. Switched vacuum lines and tried again. No start. Closed choke back down, tried. No. Starter fluid. No.

So after the initial run, which was longer than it would have lasted with just the starter fluid, it would not start even when primed with starter fluid.

So I am back to thinking that ther ehas to be a flooding issue. Anyone agree, or am I just an idiot?



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