LT Don wrote:
I think Debbie is starting to get the "diesel bug." She hasn't
committed as such to driving one but no longer objects when I mention
maybe replacing her Buick with a Benz when the time comes for
something "new" in the garage.

My initial thought was to go for a late 190D because of the fuel
economy. However, she has grown accustomed to the interior space and
the trunk size of a Buick Regal. That might suggest a diesel S-Class
(a Chris / Luther / OK Don sort of car) would be more appropriate (and
more expensive) as the primary family car.

This isn't something we're going to be shopping for immediately. I am
looking toward spring or even fall of 2006 at the soonest. I am hoping
to save up for it and have the cash in hand (which might rule out the
S Class immediately) rather than having to take mess with a loan.

Thoughts about which would be better?  I understand this is a very
controversial question and there is really no correct answer. Once
again, please bear in mind that this will become our primary family
vehicle, in snow country, and must be reasonably reliable.

When driving around town, I MUCH prefer the 190Ds. Linda does as well (but didn't at first). On a trip (I spent 10+ years making once or twice a week 250 mile one way commutes from Pgh to Wash. DC) the 124 wagon was less tiring to drive, but sacrificing just a little comfort, I improved fuel economy by almost 50% so the 190D 5 spd quickly became the commuting car. Of course when Linda and I take a 2000-3000 mile trip, we've usually taken the 300TD. This year it will be the 190D 2.5t (this is Linda's car) for improved fuel economy with only a marginal reduction in comfort - we could have chosen my spartan 190D 2.0 and gotten another 20-25% improvement in economy, but I really DO sometimes use cruise control when driving 10-12 hours at a time and I'd need to diagnose and fix the AC on that car. Not worth it to save an additional $30-$35 at most. I expect that if the AC was working I'd take the 190D 2.0 and chuckle all the way and back at getting 42-45 mpg. As it is I'll just have to live with 32-37 mpg.

          Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
      "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 181Kmi,'87 190D 2.5 199Kmi, '84 190D 2.2 227Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 159Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 turbo 234kmi
      Diesel Technical Advisor MBCA, member GWSection

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