Sorry to post an off topic question. It's about a Mercedes, not guns,
hard-drives, gmail, or dogs. *grin*

This is on a W123 240D, OM616.

Rusty got me the correct timing chain and I have the car mostly back
together. (see subject "DEEP trouble changing my...")

Because of those troubles I pulled the injection pump because I wasn't
confident that I didn't slip a tooth somewhere. Figured it would be
safer to start from "square one".

Camshaft mark? Lined up.

Crankshaft? 0 deg.

Then I rotated the crank 1 3/4 turns so the crank is an 24 deg BTDC and
the cam notch is approaching the tower mark. The injection pump's
missing tooth is lined up with the mark on the pump body when I mounted
the pump.

Okay, now it's just a matter of precision timing, right?

I have now tried bubble, drip, and easley methods but I don't get a
reliable result from any of them.

Rack is at "full throttle", shut-off vacuum is disconnected.

Anything else that I'm missing? Or am I just having bad luck??

            Philip, timing chain expert

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