In the podunk towns I live next to, diesel popped to $3.25/gallon this 
morning. Might be $3.50 by sundown. If I can get virgin VO for $2.50/gal, 
point me to the vendor, please. I'll keep track of every drop and remit my 
DOT taxes promptly, honest Injun.

Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christopher McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Weight of soy oil....what did you pay???

About 5 gallons...if you paid less than $15 for the
bucket I would be VERY surprised. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

1,000 liters of food grade soy bean oil in KC comes to
$2.68/gallon. Since I can still fill up for
$2.49/gallon, it doesn't make sense yet...if things
keep going like this, it soon will. Most VO-ers in
Germany simply buy food grade VO and put it in - no
filtering, no collecting and FAR cheaper than fuel at
the pump.


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