As someone once said - "Old age is not for the weak and timid. On the
other hand, it beats the alternative".

I'm with you on all counts -- 

On 9/15/05, R A Bennell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have any of you all noticed that it is more difficult to notice and diagnose
> problems as you get older?
> I picked up my son at lunch time and he asked me what I thought the
> squeaking sound was. My response, was of course, "what squeaking sound?" I
> can't hear it - especially over the noise of the diesel. My car makes some
> sounds that I can hear and I need to look for but the one's that I cannot
> hear worry me too.
> My 4Runner is in the same boat. My wife and boys have been saying for a
> while that it pings on light acceleration but I can't hear it. I had my
> brother in law over to listen (he is a mechanic) and he really counldn't
> hear what they were talking about either.
> I am also finding that I can't see bu**er all either without lots of
> artificial light. It is getting harder to work on stuff in the garage,
> especially if the weather is such that I want to keep the big door down.
> The scary thing, is that I know it has to get worse over time.
> Randy in Winnipeg, who can still see the computer screen well enough to
> complain in a post.

Norman, OK 
'87 300SDL,  '81 240D,  '78 450SLC
The FSM created the Diesel Benz

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