You get an SSK or two or three for parts (not cheap)
and then drill out the frame to make it a much more
rare SSKL and then masterly fabricate missing parts.
This has been done...forget the guys name (American)
who got away with it for a while, till he was caught.
THe said part is that restorable SSK's are destroyed
in the process.


--- Craig McCluskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:31:00 -0700 (PDT) Christopher
> McCann
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the picture. Had no idea the G-wagen
> > lineage went back that far. Yes, the 300SL they
> have
> > for sale is quite nice and CHEAP in comaparison to
> the
> > Fuhrer's G3.
> > 
> > Wonder what the likelihood of forgery is? There
> are
> > legendary cases of SSK forgeries (or is it SSKL?)
> How does one forge a car? Tell me more ...
> Craig
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Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City, Missouri
-1985 300SD, 209K miles, "Wulf" 
-1976 240D, ManyK miles,  "AKP-Wagen" (Alternativen Kraftstoffs Prüfenlastwagen 
= Alternative Fuel Test Vehicle)
-1998 Toyota Sienna CE, 100K miles, "The Van"

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