On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:27:13 -0700 David Brodbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Craig McCluskey wrote:
> > George Bush did not cause the Governor of Louisiana to
> > refuse to give permission to the Feds to help.
> This has been repeated enough that people assume it's true, but AFAIK it
> isn't.  If you can provide me a source that says otherwise, I'd
> appreciate seeing it.

The quote actually is,

    Blanco has refused to sign over control of the National Guard to the
    federal government and has turned to a Clinton administration
    official, former Federal Emergency Management Agency chief James Lee
    Witt, to help run relief efforts.

from http://www.breitbart.com/news/na/D8CEBED81.html


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