Yes, you should be incredulous. That number is nearly impossible to
obtain with normal driving. Expect 28-30mpg, maybe a tad more at best.
He is probably estimating, or doing the math wrong. Incorrect tire
size could also affect things. If it's near 30mpg then the engine is
running quite well. When my reserve light turns on around 450 miles
and I generally drive to 500 and fill up (17.x gallons), that usually
equates to 29mpg give or take a few tenths.

I assume you already saw this from the post yesterday, but in case not:


Dave M
Boise, ID

> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:35:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Goldsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MBZ] Approx. 35mpg from an '87 Mercedes 300D TURBO Diesel
> Hi, folks.  This is in reference to a Seattle area
> craiglist.  The lister claims the car gets approx. 35
> mpg (see below).  I'm incredulous - should I be?
> DG

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