It's a bit after 9:00 PM on 1/1 here at George Bush Intercontinental Airport
in Houston.  I have lots of time to write as I have proved too dumb to be
let out alone.  It was a confluence of happenstance that has given me all
these free hours [about six so far and many more to go].  Three weeks ago I
bought round trip tickets to Houston and paid for five days of rental car to
use to get me the 120 miles from GB airport to my friends house and back.  I
had not bothered to arrange extra money for my debit account because I
always get a payment into it on the first of the month, and if the first is
a holiday I get it the day before.  No problems anticipated there, and I
always carry a paid off credit card so no worries there [some of you might
get a hint of what my current problem is.]  My flight arrived a bit early,
and apparently my luggage went on an earlier flight than I did as it was
waiting for me in baggage pickup before our plane was even unloaded.  I'm
off to the car rental building, and hand my paid reservation to the
attendant - who sends me over to the automated check in.  Still no worries,
except that it won't let me finish registration for some reason. The
attendant tries it on her machine [all the same questions once more], and
determines my CC is not allowing the $200 amount to be held.  They let me
use their office and phone to call the CC company, whose automated voices
tell me that no balance is due and no payments have been received, and do I
need anything else...I talk to a rep just in case, and am told that due to
inactivity on the card for several months the account was closed, and she
has no way to reopen it on 1/1.  OK, so I'll do some transfers into my debit
account, which they will accept, but I only had @$50 in it because I always
get paid on the first of the month, and earlier if it is a holiday.  EXCEPT
IF IT IS NEW YEARS.  To pay us early would mess up everyone's annual income
statements and tax returns.  My wife and I have separate accounts at
separate credit unions, and I have never set mine up for phone activity,
even if there had been a credit union employee working on 1/1.  Having her
put a deposit into my account will not work as she doesn't have that card,
and even if she did it would not be credited immediately. Finally I get a
brilliant idea. I called my son in DC [whom I visited with in the Atlanta
airport a few hours earlier, hoping he was home].  He sent $400 into my
paypal account, to discover that not only did it cost me $12 for that, but
it will take three or four days to be credited, even from a direct debit
from his account.  There is simply no way to get funds into my debit account
today, and sending me the cash [which my wife wanted to do] wouldn't help as
I must have a CC in my name, and in my possession, to take the car.  Cash in
hand is not enough.   Even for a car I have already paid for.  My friend
would drive over and pick me up, but then he would have to drive back over
in the morning for me to get the already paid for car - 7 to 8 hours for him
to save me what I hope is only a few more hours until my funds arrive in my
account, and he is getting married on Sat., so he has a few other things to
think about.  So here I sit in GB airport hoping that at the stroke of
midnight my funds will magically appear [they didn't].  If the pension folks
couldn't authorize the payment until after 1/1 to keep things in the right
year it won't happen until after the work day starts in Indianapolis
tomorrow.  Unless they gave the staff Friday off.  They wouldn't do that,
would they?  What's an extra eight or nine more hours in the ticketing area
of an airport, anyway? I can ride the uncomfortable inter-terminal trains,
take my pick of uncomfortable chairs, people watch late at night on 1/1
[some really odd folks, so I feel right at home], wander the terminals
[baggage in tow], write emails about how dumb I  am...
     At least I found the one of the four terminals [and I checked them all,
and the hotel in the airport]  that has a restaurant [the concourses have
plenty, but not the terminals] so I got dinner [and they closed 5 minutes
after I was done] and they will be open for breakfast - I won't starve, even
if I won't get much - or any - sleep tonight.  Sometimes I am too dumb to be
let out alone, but they keep letting me do it.  For now.  Maybe Lt. Don can
help me...

It's 2:45 AM now, and I know how GB airport saves money - they turn the heat
way down about 2:00 AM.  That or the AC is on.  One the positive  side they
keep the music and inane announcements going 24/7. I will never, ever accept
a package from a stranger who wants me to take it on an airplane for him.
Especially if it is ticking or if he is wearing a "DEATH TO AMERICA"

The airport started to come alive at 4 AM and further  attempts at sleep
seemed useless.  An ATM check at 4:05 showed my funds were in so I'm  off.
I do home the kids are not taking notes for when it is time for them to have
me committed.

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