You might not need to upgrade for quite some time. It seems like computer technology has hit various walls, and computer's haven't gotten significantly faster in recent years. My dad is still using a desktop I built for him in 2002, and its maybe 50-75% as powerful as the standard low end desktops they're selling nowadays. Not enough to make a noticeable difference for normal tasks like web browsing and writing... It has an Athlon XP 1500+ cpu and a gigabyte of ram.

In comparison, a 7 year old computer in 2002 would have been something like 50-100mhz, and probably have 32mb of ram- several orders of magnitude slower than the computers being sold in 2002 and useless for running modern applications at the time.


On Jan 14, 2009, at 7:34 PM, wrote:

...What he said. I have both Intel and G4 Macs in the house, and I kept
the G4s on 10.4.  They seem happier....

My G4 MDD and 10.4.11 are doing OK, thank you. And one of the experts at the
Apple store agreed with me about not upgrading. So, I won't. Yet.


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