Tom & Peter...thanks for the help

"Where does the other end of the pipe go? " Dont remember, I pulled the engine last spring, put it on the stand and figured it was something to do with being a Ca car and I would do away with it anyway. I was just curious as to what it was. and how to plug the hole in the pan=-O

I pulled the head today (rainy day...yaaa) and will check those valve stems tomorrow. I sure hope your right about the crank being OK Peter ;-) So far pulling the engine apart, there are no signs of a "shoddy" engine assembly job, all the washers in place etc..., nothing amiss as far as I can tell so far, but tomorrow I 'll get to the bottom end. All the gaskets, including head gasket look new. Thanks again, I'll report on the bottom end tomorow.

Regards   Steve Van Cleve
Marrowstone Isl Wa

"85" Euro 240D 5 spd 110K
"79" 240D 5spd  fresh tranny transplan
"82" Euro 300 TD non turbo, project wagon
"94" Dodge, 2500, 5 spd, 5.9 Cummins, 95K

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From: "Tom Hargrave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Re: [MBZ] Whats this stuff on my 240D
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 10:14:28 -0500
To: "'Mercedes mailing list'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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The vacuum gizmo is part of the vacuum circuit for the transmission. It's
used to modify the vacuum signal based on throttle position.

If it were  300 engine than I'd suspect that the pipe is the turbo oil
drain, but this is a 240 engine. Where does the other end of the pipe go?

Tom Hargrave
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From: Peter Frederick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Re: [MBZ] Whats this stuff on my 240D
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 10:21:16 -0500
To: Mercedes mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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The vacuum gizmo is the egr controller, you can discard it since you don't have one. There will also be an EGR valve on the intake manifold.

The pipe going into the oil pan is the drain from the oil separator in the air filter housing, all W123 diesels have one.

Likely the rebuilder put WAY too much clearance on the valve guides, unless familiar with Benz practice. Easy way to check is to pull the cam and remove a couple valve springs. If the valve will preceptibly move sidways when lowered down off the seat, there is too much clearance.

The other likely problem is way too much piston clearance, and that you can only check by taking them out. Should be 0.001", very tight. You can check for wear by pulling the head (as I'm sure you will be doing).

Unless run out of oil until the engine seized, likely the crank and rods are fine, they don't cause problems in that engine. Pistons may be shot, too, if there was excessive clearance, it causes the rings to flex sideways and extrudes the ring lands.


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