Only 70? OK I think I understand. I have noticed driving from SC to NC to VA that the nannying gets more and more the further north you go, north of VA it is full-on. Speed limits drop in NC. At the border going into VA on I95 there are like 6 signs promising all kinds of evil if you speed, don't wear a seatbelt or helmet, if you don't use your lights and wipers, and other stuff, and the speed limit drops again. {Oh yeah, and one that says "Welcome to Virginia!" Unh huh} I don't know, I wonder sometimes if the War of Northern Aggression had the wrong winner. I sometimes wonder how people tolerate that kind of stuff.

Rant off... You are right about the 126, even my wife noticed. I told her after we got her SD, that when you get on the highway you will notice that the faster you go, the better the car rides and handles, like it is glued to the pavement. She came back from some road trip to Columbia or somewhere, and said, "You were right! It does ride much better." Now for her to notice that... it's gotta be good. I don't know if the SDL would be noticeably different, but the 126 is a fine road machine. Maybe when you get tired of yours, or don't feel like driving it any more, you can send it down to a more civilized locale for some extended comparison testing?


WILTON wrote:
'Took the 91 350SDL on 520-mile trip yesterday and today.  Mileage sorta disappointing, but 
that 126 is one fine driving/riding machine.  Fill-up at 417 miles showed ~21.5 mpg (~25% of 
it stop-and-go back and forth here-and-yon in Charlotte, NC); rest of it 70 mph on 
interstate hiway, 'cept 20 minutes or so sitting in traffic creeping to a NASCAR race 
(others going to race, not I).  The mileage figure is suspect, anyway, cause SWMBO did the 
before and after fueling, and I did not observe the "fill-to point."  Obviously, I 
wasn't terribly serious about checking it, anyway.   ;<))))

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