well what you fail to understand is  mercedes autos are made in the  black 
forest by special elves who come out only at night!!!!! 
 did you know that the air in the tires is not just regular air....(  good 
heavens no man!)  its has been specially engineered by  bosch  for use in the 
space shuttle.
 it was specially introduced into each tire ,by hand, under  pressure!
you dont find this kind of engineering and pure brilliance in an old  
 and the electrons in the mercedes battery! ....well mercedes benz  installs 
its own special duron coating to each electron of all or its battery's  !!! TO 
insure  that when properly charged it will provide 12 volts   and that is all 
that is needed to start out very special cars!
 that is why 
you know now that i am retired now i get to sit around staring at  the walls 
with plenty of time to compile the useless trivia
any time i  can be of help!!!!!
collins 1985 500 sec

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