Anthony Galioto wrote:
With winter on the way my 240D will be in it's den sleeping like a bear all
winter. I am thinking that I should add to a full tank of diesel the
following additives. PRI-D (a fuel stablizer) and PRI-OCIDE (a biocide).
Has anyone used these products? If so what are your opinions are there any
downside to using the above additives?

As long as the water is completely sequestered (using a good anti-freeze/gel point depressent) there is no need for a biocide (bugs can't live if there's no water - and rarely grow much in cold weather) and 4-6 months is usually too soon for #2 to destabilize (especially in cold weather), but the stabilizer will hurt little. DO fill the tank though to prevent water from accumulating as temperature fluctuates. I do not personally know of the "PRI-" products you mention, but ask locals to see if they've had good experience with them.

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

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