Marshall wrote:


"It's the same M103 engine used in the 300E. All the same strong and

points apply. The car weighs about 450 lb more. Nice car, but hardly an 

excess of power."


I am unfamiliar with the M103 engine, except that I know MB made a ton
of them and put them in a ton of 124s.  So, what are the strong and weak
points about the engine.  I did some reading and I saw several posts
from people talking about needing valve jobs.  Do these engine require
major engine work. Is it the valve stem seals?  



Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn & Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box 207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316) 263-5851

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