Color perception varies quite a bit, even if most people don't
qualify as color blind. I've been tested repeatedly, and have zero
defect color vision (which says nothing about detail perception, at
which I'm in bad shape!), and I also seem to see further into the
blue/near UV than most people. Hence I see violets or purples where
most other people see blue -- this has been quite a discussion on the
fountain pen boards. One ink in particular if flaming purple to me,
and pure blue to others.
Another problem with the "projection" lamps is that they don't,
obviously, have the shield over the filament (other other light
source) that removes the stray light coming off the source at an
acute angle to the edge of the lamp (read glare). This is why, of
course, there is a shield at the front of the lamp in "reflector"
systems. No light coming directly off the filament into the eyes of
the opposing driver off axis. Projector systems produce enough glare
to annoy me in the daytime on the other side of a divided 4-lane and
a simply blind me at night. Yeah, my contacts need to be replaced
due to scratching, but even with my glasses on (or off, for that
matter) point source unshielded lamps are a pain. Street lights are a
hassle, too.
Just my $.02.
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