On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 15:27:55 -0600 Peter Frederick <psf...@earthlink.net>

> Curt:
> Assume you are totally lactose intolerant and cut out all lactose  
> containing substances.  I've personally come to the conclusion that  
> acid reflux isn't an acid production problem, per se, but a gastric  
> propulsion problem (vapor lock, sort of) as a result of improper  
> fermentation of gut contents.  Easy to acquire a set of gut bacteria  
> that cheerfully ferment complex sugars into lots of gas, very fast.   
> This won't move with normal gut activity, and so stomach contractions  
> push the contents up the esophagus instead of down the small intestine.
> Acid reducers help by suppressing the fermentation via higher pH in  
> the intestines, but the real cause is the fermentation.
> Gas-X helps a lot, since it breaks up the foam from the intestinal  
> gas, so does avoiding un-fermented milk products of any kind.  This  
> includes commercial bread products and ANYTHING with milk in it (read  
> labels).  Anything with lactose added is bad, too, and it's quite  
> common and not always labeled completely.
> In my case, eating less also helps, if I can stick to it.....

My wife is lactose intolerant. She stays away from lactose except on
occasion she will pop a Lactaid tablet, which seems to take care of
whatever she eats shortly thereafter.


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