Bob Rentfro wrote:
I'm still...well, always, troubleshooting my HVAC and now there is a new twist. After driving for about 15 minutes with nothing on HVAC wise, I can start to feel a little wicked hot air at my feet and out of the center vents (thermometer in center vent reads 110 degrees) but it's just "seeping" out. I think it has lost it's mind.
Any ideas?

The way the "wonderful" Type II system is actually wired up the control system doesn't actually know if it is supposed to be "on" or "off." The on/off of the system is a completely separate circuit, which is controlled by vacuum from the push button assembly. What that means is that even when your system is "off" it is still trying to heat/cool your car (just with no blower).

What it sounds like is the system determined there was a need for heat and was allowing hot water through the heater core even though the system is "off." The assumption by MB is that when the blower is off there will be no airflow so it doesn't really matter if the system is left on, but in your case some airflow is occuring and causing the "seep." Unfortunately, that is "proper" operation of the system from my understanding of it.

If anything, you might want to check and make sure that the recirculation flap is properly closing as thats the only thing I know of that would cause airflow. FWIW it happens in my car as well... just never been bad enough to crawl around underneath the blower though!

Best of luck with it,
'79 300SD

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