Tim, if you get to the point where you *have* to use a screw extractor (sounds like you're approaching that point), use one like these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006HHNKC/104-9734127-1604705?v=glance&n=228013&n=284507&s=hi&v=glance

I've broken off several of the Easy-Out type in stubborn screws -- in fact, some mechanics I know use them as an absolute last resort *because* of the likelihood that the tool will break off and leave you in a worse state than before you tried it.

I have never failed to remove a broken screw with the obelisk style extractors like those shown in the photo. The one caveat is not to drive them too deep into the pilot hole you've drilled, as they'll press the threads of the screw tighter against the sides of the hole.


Craig McCluskey wrote:

On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 00:15:18 -0400 TimothyPilgrim

PROBLEM:  The topmost water pump bolt sheared off when I attempted to
loosen it.


There's about 3 mm protruding out of the block with the WP
removed. I used a torch to heat the remaining bolts which may or may
not have helped, but they came out okay. So what do I do to get that
sheared bolt out?

Well, I'd start by heating that bolt, too, and, after it's cooled down,
use some Kroil and let it sit for awhile. Then use some more Kroil and
visegrips. With the visegrips, I'd gingerly rock it back and forth
(counterclockwise and clockwise) until it loosens up.

Or should I just say screw it, leave it, and put the new pump on?

I sure would not.


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