First running the dial on the right side 5-7C colder (seems) to regulate things a bit.

So I wired up some benz pins/sockets, after doing the relays for my 500E headlights I've a few wires and pins about. Check for connectivity, then cross connected the two solenoids. The hot air then switches to the driver's side from the passenger side.

This seems to indicate the $300+ duo-valve assembly is working and the signal it is receiving is bad. So either the control unit is bad, or one of the temp sensors in the left/right heater box is bad.

The temp sensors are $20 each, could I ordered a pair and we'll look into replacing them. It still could be the potentiometers on the dials or the control unit, I guess I could disassemble the console and test them, then find they are bad, reassemble, disassemble (sigh). Er no it's a bitch to reassemble the console and align and retighten everything based on my last experience, plus all the plastic whimpers break me, so we'll just order them.

On 6-Nov-05, at 5:40 PM, John M McIntosh wrote:

So it appears that right side is heating up, so it could be dual-
valve is weak on one side, or is the control unit flaky?
Mmmm I wonder if I can swap the female connectors or reverse the
connector. That would tell me if the control unit signal
is flake if the swap alters the behaviour from side to side.

Well the connector is specifically designed to disable anyone from
casually or even forcefully
connecting backward. The little plastic tabs scream, touch me and
I'll snap off so I won't rewire it.

Tomorrow I'll visit radio shack and gets some alligator clips and
wire and cross connect things
and see what happens.

That and run the temp dial 5-7 C colder on the right and see if
anything changes.

1983 300TDt  358k Kilometers (mobil 1 Delvac)
1990 300TDt  149k Kilometers (mobil 1 Delvac)
1993 500SEL 168k Kilometers (mobil 1 0w40)

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