MLK has been replaced by characters like Rev Wright and Looie Farrakan. (And the Jesse Jackson Extortion Express)

It has nothing to do with discrimination, it has to do with leftist, socialist, moslem, communist, maoist agendas pushing unrest, and teaching people of certain skin pigments to believe they are "entitled" to rob the rest of the population because of some perceived wrong 150 years ago.

I want reparations! My ancestors fought in the revolution, the war of 1812, Mexican war, the civil war etc. to keep everyone free. So, I think everyone who is descended from a slave or indentured servant OWES me!

Who wants to join this cause?

Well, I don't really believe that, but it makes just as much sense as people of a certain skin pigmentation claiming equality, then demanding unequal "rights" and "reparation." Which is to say one absurd claim is as absurd as the other.

The one that really irks me is the pakalolo growers of Hawaii wanting "reparations" and "restoration of the Monarchy." What they conveniently forgotten is that if the Monarchy were restored, anyone growing or using pakalolo or any other drug would be tied head down on a plank then their head would be smashed with a rock. So, all the people pushing for the monarchy, would be killed by that monarchy.

Kinda like all the dog lovers who think moslems are ok.

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