Amen, Brother! I have not BTDT, but I have talked to people in the Biloxi area who survived Katrina. A few additional tidbits I learned. When FEMA comes in 2-3 days later, they confiscate any remaining fuel at gas stations for their use. Unless you have a stockpile of fuel your generator will not generate. Food, you should probably have more than 3 days supply, because without fuel/transportation, you can't get out to get more food. In areas further out from population centers, it can be well over 5 days before any inkling of additional food becomes available. One family, maybe 10 miles inland only got food into their area after a week or so because the wife's brother was in the MO National Guard, and was able to get special permission to take food and water to a field near the sister's house. It was several more days before any other food was available.

Don't mess with Mother nature! We hope this one won't reach the levels of Katrina, but it is possible. I have lived through enough "500 year" floods to be 2000 or 2500 years old. The "impossible" happens when the forces are natural.

To all East Coast Lister's.

With Hurricane Irene bearing down on the East Coast.
Here is some advice from someone that's BTDT (too many times to count).
If You live in a area that is prone to Flooding. GET THE H?LL out of Dodge.
If You stay Make sure you have a 3 day supply of Canned Food and a way to heat it.
Same for Drinking Water.
Working Flashlights and Batteries.
If you have a Portable Generator lay in at least 3 days worth of gas for it. Won't do you
a hill of beans if you run out of gas.;-)
If the Local Authorities Say Evacuate then Do so. Go to Higher Ground Inland.


Russ W.
South Louisiana

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